Kehui Carbon Neutral Commitment Letter

What is Carbon Neutrality?

Carbon neutrality refers to the total amount of carbon dioxide or greenhouse gas emissions directly or indirectly produced by a country, enterprise, product, activity or individual within a certain period of time, through the use of low-carbon energy to replace fossil fuels, afforestation, Energy saving and emission reduction and other forms to offset the carbon dioxide or greenhouse gas emissions produced by itself, realize positive and negative offsets, and achieve relatively “zero emissions”.

There are generally two ways to achieve carbon neutrality:

Through the carbon offset mechanism, the carbon emissions generated by it are equal to the carbon emissions reduced elsewhere. For example: tree planting, purchase of renewable energy vouchers.
Use of low- or zero-carbon technologies (see low-carbon economy). Such as the use of renewable energy sources (such as wind and solar energy) to avoid the emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere due to the burning of fossil fuels; the ultimate goal is to use only low-carbon energy sources instead of fossil fuels, so that the release of carbon and the amount of carbon absorbed back to the earth are balanced does not increase.

Paying other countries or regions through carbon trading in exchange for their carbon dioxide emission rights can save costs while keeping the emission reduction target unchanged; but because this approach does not really achieve the effect of reducing the total carbon dioxide Criticized.
Carbon footprint is an important indicator of whether to achieve carbon neutrality. Sometimes not only carbon dioxide is considered, but also emissions of other greenhouse gases (such as methane) are included.

Kehui will comply with the commitment of carbon neutrality, reduce carbon emissions, use low-carbon or zero-carbon emission technologies, and contribute to China’s environmental protection and mitigation of global warming. Kehui appeals to everyone: abide by carbon neutrality together, everyone is responsible for protecting the earth!

Xingtai Kehui-Carbon neutral commitment leading enterprises

Post time: May-26-2023