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Lisebelisoa tsa Cenospheres le Hollow Glass Microspheres in the Rubber and Plastic Industries


Li-cenospheres le li-microspheres tsa khalase tse se nang letho ke lisebelisoa tse feto-fetohang tse nang le lits'ebetso tse fapaneng indastering ea rabara le ea polasetiki. Tsenali-additives tse bobebefana ka mefuta e mengata ea melemo, ho kenyelletsa phokotso ea sekhahla, thepa e ntlafalitsoeng ea mochini, ho kenya letsoho ho matlafalitsoeng, le ho boloka litšenyehelo.

Tšebeliso e 'ngoe ea bohlokoa ea bobeli ba cenospheres leli-microsphere tsa khalase tse se nang letho ke ho fokotsa bongata ba lihlahisoa tsa rabara le tsa polasetiki. Ka ho kenyelletsa lisebelisoa tsena e le li-fillers, bahlahisi ba ka etsa lihlahisoa tse boima bo bobebe, ba ntlafatsa ts'ebetso le ho ts'oaroa.

Ho feta moo, li kenya letsoho ho ntlafatseng thepa ea rabara le ea polasetiki. Kenyelletso eacenospheres kapa li-microsphere tsa khalase tse sekoti li ka eketsa matla a khatello, ho hanyetsa tšusumetso, le ho tšoarella.

Ho feta moo, lisebelisoa tsena li sebetsa hantle ho ntlafatsa thepa ea insulation. Li-cenospheres le li-microspheres tsa khalase tse sekoti li bonts'a ho kenella ka matla ho futhumatsang mocheso, ho li etsa li-additives tsa bohlokoa bakeng sa ho matlafatsa botsitso ba mocheso le ho hanyetsa lihlahisoa tsa rabara le tsa polasetiki.

Ho feta moo, ho kenyelletsa li-cenospheres le li-microspheres tse sekoti tsa khalase ho ka thusa ho fokotsa litšenyehelo tsa tlhahiso. Ha ho bapisoa le li-fillers tsa setso, lisebelisoa tsena li fana ka tharollo e theko e tlaase ntle le ho senya ts'ebetso.

Lisebelisoa tse ka bang teng li atoloha tlhahisong, joalo ka likarolo tsa indasteri ea sefofane le likoloi, lisebelisoa tse thibelang molumo, le lihlahisoa tse baballang matla joalo ka lifensetere tse kentsoeng litšepe le liphaephe tse sa cheseheng mocheso.

Qetellong, li-cenospheres le li-microsphere tsa khalase tse se nang letho li bapala karolo ea bohlokoa ho ntlafatseng ts'ebetso le ho fokotsa litšenyehelo tsa lihlahisoa tsa rabara le tsa polasetiki liindastering tse fapaneng.